Month: April 2019

How do religious or ideological orientations of teachers affect their professional thinking and acting? There is a serious research deficit regarding this question, especially in Europe and Germany. Therefore, we follow the question of how the religiosity of teachers affects their professional tasks - whether as a supporting resource or as a problematic disruptive factor. To pursue this question, we – building up on pilot studies for the development of suitable scales –take an exemplary look on the focus on religiosity and the religious beliefs in a greater invested study with teachers and investigate their connections with professional convictions.

Das Projekt dient als Metavorhaben der Selbstreflektion der Forschungscommunity zur Kulturellen Bildung. Es führt die Themenbereiche der Förderrichtlinie auf der Grundlage eigener international angelegter, empirisch fundierter Expertisen und Forschungssynthesen zusammen und ordnet sie in ihrer gesel...

Category: Allgemein