KuBi-Meta: Arts and Cultural Education in Societal Transformations – A Meta-Project

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Principal Investigators: Benjamin Jörissen, Michael Kerres,  Stephan KrönerLisa Birnbaum

Staff: Jessica Fittkau, Robert Rohm, Franz Krämer, Anna Heinemann

: 2024-2028
Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research

The project is part of the research unit on “Cultural Education in Social Transformations”, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Beyond supporting the projects funded in the research unit, it addresses overarching research questions related to the domain of the research unit. In the project parts addressed by the Chair of Empirical Educational Research is responsible, we apply text mining to research syntheses. Building on a paradigm developed in a previous project and described in recent publications (Christ, Penthin & Kröner, 2019; Christ, Smolarczyk & Kröner, 2023), we classify the research questions addressed both in the projects of the research unit and in the international research community on cultural and aesthetic education. Here, we put a special emphasis on (a) academic discourses on arts education, (b) their reception in general educational research discourses, and (c) their implications for cultural education practitioners. To promote visibility and sustainability of the research unit, we also support the interaction between research and practice via communicative formats of exchange between stakeholders.